HUD Announces $58 Million For Housing Counseling

HUD announced this week that they would be offering $58 million in grants for housing counseling in 2009.  This is an increase of $11 million from a year ago. The money is especially significant in a time when many agencies and nonprofits are finding their budgets cut, and as pressure rises, both in Congress and in the legislatures, to increase protections for consumers in mortgages and reverse mortgages. As the number of foreclosures and delinquencies are at record highs, there is even more potential for housing counseling to help homeowners avoid getting into difficult predicaments and find the right solutions to get out of them while keeping their homes. Government programs are sometimes notoriously difficult to manuver, and counseling can often help consumers make their way through the forms and red tape–or avoid getting in those situations in the first place.

It is good to see the government recognize the importance of counseling and take steps to help fund this much needed avenue.