Foreclosures Affect Animals as Well as People

The media has recently been full of stories about homeowners losing their homes to foreclosure, but there is a side that has received relatively less exposure: the effects foreclosure has had on many pets.

While a story in the Chicago Tribune several months ago discussed a pet food pantry that was helping homeowners who could no longer afford to look after their pets, a sadder tale is emerging in Arizona.  As the two co-owners of Robin Hood Animal Rescue face foreclosure, 70 cats and dogs are at risk of being euthanized. Some of the animals have special needs (as is the case in most animal shelters), and the shelter has housed some of the animals for four or five years.

There is a lot of irony in an animal rescue shelter needing rescuing itself, but after so many years of speaking out against euthanizing unwanted animals, the shelter is now the one in need of rescuing. The heartbreaking story can be found at Those wishing to help can also visit Robin Hood Animal Rescue’s website.